No one goes to heaven to see Dan Fogelberg --
Something by John Grisham --
Girl who gave great advice --
Walking on eggshells (or: when I loved Tony Robbins) --
Impatient billionaire and the mirror for Earth --
Missed connection: grocery spill at 21st and 6th 2:30 pm on Wednesday --
I never want to walk on the moon --
Comedy Central roast of Nelson Mandela --
They kept driving faster and outran the rain --
Man who invented the calendar --
Beautiful girl in the bookstore --
MONSTER: the roller coaster --
Kellogg's (or: the last wholesome fantasy of the middle-school boy) --
Man who posted pictures of everything he ate --
Quantum nonlocality and the death of Elvis Presley --
A good problem to have --
Johnny Depp, fate, and the double-decker Hollywood tour bus --
Being young was her thing --
Angel Echeverria, comediante superpopular --
Vague restaurant critic --
One of these days, we have to do something about Willie --
Wikipedia Brown and the case of the missing bicycle --
Regret is just perfectionism plus time --
Chris Hansen at the Justin Bieber concert --
Best thing in the world awards --
Marie's stupid boyfriend --
"Everyone was singing the same song": the Duke of Earl recalls his trip to America in June of 1962 --
Pleasure of being right --
World's biggest rip-off --
Walk to school on the day after Labor Day --
Welcome to Camp Fantastic for gifted teens --
There is a fine line between why and why not --
Man who told us about inflatable women --
Constructive criticism --
Bravest thing I ever did --
Literalist's love poem --
J. C. Audetat, translator of Don Quixote --